Try These Wicked Tricks To Know What Health Problems You Have!


Last Updated on February 4, 2020

3. Posture

Everyone should adopt a running posture and a good sitting posture at all times. Moreover, everyone should look into how to improve posture, because it is a crucial part of the health of your back. There are some tests that you can do to see whether you have a good posture or not.

a. 1st Test

Stand in your natural pose and ask a friend or someone in your family to watch you closely. If they notice that your back arches with a 45-degree angle and that your hopes come forward, then this is an indication that you have what is called a spinal curvature. Therefore, you will need to go see a doctor, who might prescribe posture therapy in the form of posture exercises—he or she might also ask you to invest in a posture chair.

b. 2nd Test

If you want to make sure whether you have a rounded back or not, perform this simple test. Grab two pencils and place them in your hand (make sure that you clench your fist around them). Now place your hands alongside your body and try to see whether the pencils remain parallel to each other or not. If they end up pointing at each other, then you certainly have a rounded back. This means that you need to start considering a proper desk posture and a proper sleeping posture.

c. 3rd Test

This test, too, needs the help of a friend or a family member. Stand up straight and ask someone to take pictures of you as you are standing up. Take that picture as well as a ruler and try to see if there is a straight, vertical line running from your earlobe to your shoulder bone. If that is not the case, then there is a problem with your posture, which means that you need postural restoration with some posture workout, in general, and bad posture exercises, in particular.



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