7 Things Happens When You Sleep With Makeup On!


Last Updated on February 8, 2021

There is no point in investing in a full skincare routine if you are just going to bed with makeup on your face. This might seem like an innocent and harmless habit, but it can cause all sorts of damage to your skin and your looks if you do it too often. It can happen to everyone after a long night out or an intense day at work, but it shouldn’t become an everyday habit. To motivate you to put that makeup remover to work at the end of each day, we wrote this article to let you know what happens when you sleep with makeup on! Are you interested to find out more?

1. You will end up with clogged pores

Makeup can save your self-esteem during these days where you are not feeling like yourself, but there is a very ugly side to it, and it has to do with your skin health. Makeup products that contain acrylics and silicones in their composition can cause blockages on your pores. Consequently, the natural oils your skin produces will be trapped inside, as well as all sorts of bacteria. Add a little bit of sweat to the mix, and you have the perfect clogged pore cocktail. This can equally happen during the day, but the chances of ending up with clogged pores increase if you decide to sleep with makeup on. 2.It can lead to an acne breakout Clogged pores are not the final consequence of sleeping with makeup on your face. Because your pores are clogged, the chances are that you will experience subsequent skin problems, like acne breakout, for example. Your skin needs to breathe properly to be healthy, and if you don’t take off your makeup before bed, you are not giving it the break it deserves and needs.

3. It can cause premature aging

Skincare routines exist mainly to prevent skin wrinkles. Everyone wishes to preserve their youth and hold on to it, and makeup can help achieve that. However, some makeup ingredients can result in harmful chemical reactions that can speed up the aging process. Help your skin hit the reset button by cleaning your face with appropriate products at night. Maintaining healthy skin is the best way to preserve your youthful looks!


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