Want to stop snoring? 5 Practices that can help!

stop snoring

Last Updated on April 11, 2021

Wondering what you can do to stop snoring? You must be sick and tired of sleeping alone, 😄 I get you, and I feel how embarrassing it is when your partner asks you to sleep in separate rooms just because they cannot handle the tractor sound you are making when sleeping. Well, you shouldn’t take it personally. It is very known that when you laugh, the world laughs with you. But when you snore, you sleep alone! Enough jokes!! Back to the main issue: snoring! There are two types of snoring: The occasional, which you shouldn’t worry about, and the chronic one. The latter shouldn’t be neglected as it can be a sign of serious health issues. And in this case, a trip to your doctor is required! Snoring occurs when the air can’t move freely through your nose and throat, making the surrounding tissues vibrate, which produces the tractor sound! The good news, you can stop snoring for good with simple tips and tricks, and today I will share with you some of the most effective ones!

1. How To Stop Snoring? Change Your Sleeping Position

It’s simple! If you sleep in your back, you’d better switch to sleeping on your side. Why? Sleeping on your back makes the base of your tongue and the soft palate collapse to the back wall of your throat, which produces a vibrating sound during your sleep. For better results, you can try a full-length body pillow. The latter will help you maintain sleeping on your side and supports your entire body. However, if the snoring continues, you might be suffering from sleep apnea. So seeing a doctor is what you should do ASAP!

2. How To Stop Snoring? Lose Weight!

Want to stop snoring? Be ready to hit the gym and lose some weight. Well, let’s admit it. Snoring is not only a thing that overweight people suffer from, but also thin ones. However, if you have gained some weight and noticed that you have started to snore. Then, weight gain is the main factor, especially if you gained weight around your neck. This can cause the throat’s internal diameter to squeeze, making it more likely to collapse, which eventually triggers snoring.


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