Try These Wicked Tricks To Know What Health Problems You Have!


Last Updated on February 4, 2020

1. Eyesight

Eyesight problems can range from brain-eye connection problems to hereditary eye problems. All in all, if you get trouble in one or both of your eyes, you are bound to go see an eye doctor. Therefore, it is necessary to keep tabs on the health of your eyes. There is one test that can help you test for macular degeneration and it is called Amsler’s test.

You should go into a room that has good lighting and place the picture about 10 or 15 inches away from your eyes. Try to stay in an upright position with your head held in place.
Now, you need to cover up one eye and look at the point which is located in the center of the picture without blinking. Make sure that you do the same with your other eye. You should see all the lines as being even without any distortions. If you do see distortions, then you need to go see an eye doctor. This type of problem belongs to the neurological eye problem type and it is one of the common eye problems in children.



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