7 Effective Signs That Tell You It Is Time to Take a Rest Day!


Last Updated on February 5, 2021

2. Always Be Tired and With Mood Changes

The fact that you are always training makes you more tired and contributes a lot to possible mood swings. There are days when you can feel happy despite the tiredness caused by exercising, whereas there are times when you may be in such a state of nerves that you feel like disappearing. This is because physical exercise causes the body to produce a greater amount of endorphins – chemicals known as the hormones of happiness, which fight stress and promote well-being. However, the production of endorphins is also accompanied by cortisol – a stress hormone that affects brain health. That’s why your mood can fluctuate so much from one day to the next, and it’s up to you to know when to stop and rest to master all the stress and anxiety that may be affecting you. Do it for your sanity!

3. Have an Abnormal and Unregulated Heart Rate

What causes an increased heart rate? Tachycardia is the medical condition that indicates that a person’s heart rate is abnormal and unregulated, and this is revealed when the heart has more than 100 beats per minute. Several causes can explain why you are suffering from an increased heart rate, such as anemia, stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, and high or low blood pressure. However, one of the main and most dangerous is excessive physical exercise. That way, if your heart rate is above normal, don’t do heavy physical training and choose to rest. Otherwise, your heart rate will skyrocket.

4. Not Drinking the Minimum Amount of Water per Day

Insufficient intake of the minimum amount of water per day is one aspect that most contributes to physical and emotional exhaustion. And this is because human beings need water to live. Everyone knows the health benefits and importance of water, hence the constant need to control water levels in the body, especially when it is too hot or when you exercise. The truth is that there is no exact amount of water that you should drink, as that number depends on factors such as a person’s age, weight, height, and gender. Not to mention health problems, eating habits, medication, among other factors. However, the international medical community estimates that you should drink between 1 and 3 liters of water a day for your body’s internal organs to work perfectly.


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