7 Effective Signs That Tell You It Is Time to Take a Rest Day!


Last Updated on February 5, 2021

5. Keeping the Pee Dark and Smelly

The body has a very peculiar way of communicating with us, and one of the most effective channels it uses to do this is through urine. If the color of your pee is clear and free of sediment, it is a sign that everything is working perfectly. However, if your urine has darker tones and a strong odor, it signifies that something is wrong with you. One of the main causes that explain the darker color of your urine is dehydration. And, in most cases, people don’t hydrate properly and train completely dehydrated. And this is the worst that can happen to them, as it will make the body more exhausted, causing chronic tiredness.

6. Feeling Exhausted After a Full Night’s Sleep

If you do not suffer from any sleep disorder and can even get a great night’s rest, say, you sleep uninterruptedly between 7 to 9 hours a night, then why do you always feel exhausted? One of the reasons that explain this excessive tiredness may be related to physical exercise. The fact that you are constantly doing physical exercise may be turning against you, and as such, you should stop doing it for a day or two to give your body muscles rest. Force the body to rest and the mind to disconnect from the practice of physical exercise, as this is how you can achieve the best results.

7. Having Defenses Down and Sick

Everything that is done in excess turns out to be negative, and that is precisely what happens with physical exercise. If you exercise regularly and with proper recovery breaks, your immune system will be stronger than ever. You will always have the energy to meet your obligations, among many other benefits. However, if you exercise excessively, your body enters a continuous catabolic state. This reduces your body’s defenses, increases your chances of catching colds and flu, and of having frequent headaches, among other very adverse symptoms. Thus, as in everything in life, always choose the middle ground and always try to be your best friend because you and your body, when aligned, are an indestructible machine. These are the 7 effective signs that tell you it is time to take a rest day. Otherwise, your body will end up turning against you. Follow them to the letter, as this is how you will be able to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


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