7 Best Shower Hacks That Can Help You Reduce Anxiety


Last Updated on January 28, 2021

© RTL Nieuws

The pace of life in modern societies is overwhelming, and this is seen in any sophisticated city in the world: people do not have time to have breakfast before leaving home; they are constantly late for work; they run out of time to drop the kids off at school, among many other stressful activities, and all this in the morning only!

Then, throughout the working day, they have to put up with the boss’s mood swings, who are not always in a good mood; they have to meet tight deadlines for the delivery of jobs and do a thousand and one tasks that, in most cases, are not even part of their obligations.

And it is not worth talking about the end of the day when it is necessary to pick up children from school; bathe them; make the food and take care of the housework that was left to do before preparing meals for the next day.

Wow!!! We got tired just reading!!!

The truth is that if you have this type of daily routine – or very similar lifestyle habits, it is natural that you are on the verge of an anxiety attack and that you need to relax as much as possible. And one of the best ways to do this is to take a very relaxing and invigorating shower.

We’ll introduce you to the 7 best shower hacks that can help you to reduce anxiety. Thus, you will come to the end of the day completely relaxed and full of energy to face the next day with a smile on your lips. Click on NEXT and get to know them now.

1. Take a Hot Shower? Absolutely, You Deserve It!

Once you have had the day just described, there is nothing like getting home and having a nice hot shower. And it’s more than deserved because you need to release all that tension and stress accumulated from the body after a long day at work.

In fact, this is one of the natural ways to reduce anxiety, since hot water and vapors from a good hot bath help lift the tension points of the body and relax muscles that have become tired due to anxiety situations.

It is also worth noting that taking a good bath of hot water stimulates the senses, causing the brain to produce oxytocin, one of the most important hormones for producing the feeling of relaxation and well-being. So don’t skip a nice hot shower at the end of the day, especially if you’re on those more stressful days.

2. What If It’s a Cold Shower? Also, Of Course!

If a hot bath is very recuperative and relaxing, a cold water bath is not far behind. In fact, there are several cold shower benefits that you should take into account, such as:

Increased blood circulation throughout the body.

Greater energy for carrying out tasks or activities.

Greater capacity for attention and concentration.

Greater relaxation and muscle recovery.

Better functioning of internal organs, since the nutrients found in the blood reach everywhere.

Improvement of general good mood.

All these benefits show that the cold water bath is extremely beneficial for the functioning of the body and for those who are dealing with anxiety.

And it is recommended that it is given in the morning, which is when you are getting out of bed to have more energy and a good disposition to face all the challenges of the day ahead.

3. Use Aromatherapy While In the Shower

One of the best ways to reduce anxiety is to use aromatherapy while you are in the shower. And how can you do that? It is very easy, just use essential oils for anxiety, such as those that have aromas of lavender, cinnamon, rosemary, among others, so that your body becomes more calm and relaxed.

If you have a diffuser in the bathroom, put your favorite essential oil in there and let this anxiety help work while you shower. This is a double feeling of relaxation that will make you feel much more rested and relieved.

4. Ecological Baths? Put Plants in the Bathroom!

How to reduce anxiety? Plants can decorate and liven up a particular interior or exterior space in a home, and this is one of the aspects that most contribute to reducing anxiety.

That way, and to make your baths more pleasant and ecological, put plants in your bathroom. They will contribute to the creation of a greener and more relaxed environment, which ends up reducing stress and improving your mood.

Be careful to choose the most appropriate indoor plants for your bathroom. Otherwise, they can die from lack of light, excess humidity, or being outside their natural habitat.

5. Use the Shower Tabs Whenever You Want

If you love essential oils, but consider them well above your family budget, then shower tabs are an excellent option for you to perfume your shower and relax with its aromas.

Like bath bombs – and today there are numerous lush bath bombs on the market, this type of anxiety medication leaves the skin more hydrated and vaporizes its properties in the shower, offering an intense and wonderful perfume throughout the bathroom.

In addition, it offers the natural benefits of essential oils, namely in reducing stress and anxiety.

6. Bathe To the Sound of Your Favorite Songs

Are you one of those people who listen to music while showering and even humming the choruses of your favorite songs? You do very well because this is a very liberating activity.

Music is an excellent form of meditation to reduce anxiety and can be the ideal complement to your baths, as it will help you to relax and forget about everyday problems/worries.

And you already know: listen to a lot of music – Zen music also has a relaxing effect for many people. It works very well in combating anxiety, and sing a lot because it attracts good energy.

7. Use High-Quality Products – Your Skin Deserves It!

The cleaning products you use in your bath also play an important role in how you decompress and relax at the end of a working day. Nowadays, there are countless high-quality products, free of toxins, and full of vitamins to reduce anxiety for you to wash properly.

It is also worth mentioning that there are many brands of hygiene products that incorporate essential oils in their products, which makes you have extraordinary and relaxing smells that will allow you to reap the benefits of aromatherapy.

These are the 7 best shower hacks that can help you to reduce anxiety, and that will make all the difference in your life. Your family, friends, co-workers, and even your boss will notice the difference. You will also have greater confidence, joy, and predisposition to carry out your day-to-day tasks.



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