This Is What Happens When You Go To Bed 30 Minutes Later Or Earlier!


Last Updated on June 16, 2020

2. What Are The Benefits Of Going To Bed Early?

Sleep early can bring numerous benefits to the health of the body and mind. They are:

• Fight Stress More Effectively

There are many ways to combat stress, but 30 minutes of extra sleep can work miracles for you and your health. With less stress, you will feel refreshed, in a better mood, and have a greater resistance to anxiety.

When you do not sleep the recommended minimum number of hours of sleep (between 7 to 9 hours of rest), you will likely begin to feel the effects of exhaustion, namely suffering from stressful situations that, in turn, lead to anxiety, mood disorders, and even depression.

• Less Boring and Cranky

When a person does not sleep the recommended number of hours, it is natural that they are in a bad mood and quite irritable the next day. Basically, everything can make them nervous, which makes the environment around them heavier and more unbreathable. Can you relate? This happens many times and may just be a reflection of a lack of sleep.

• Greater Driving Safety

If you drive, don’t drink! But if you sleep little, you shouldn’t drive either. Your brain cells get too tired when you have a few hours of sleep, and this can change your behavior (and reaction times) when driving. That’s why truck drivers cannot drive for hours and have mandatory rest hours – they need to rest so that their driving is always safe and responsible.

• Looking Better…

A good night’s rest is reflected in people’s skin health – especially when it comes to the dark circles they might have. In addition to the countless benefits a night of good night sleep can offer to the mind, getting enough sleep can also help you look much more radiant and healthy, and is an effective ally in combating skin aging.

This gives you another glow when you wake up and prepares you for the rest of the day – you even arrive on time and in good spirits at work.

• …And Better Health!

When you anticipate or postpone your bedtime by 30 minutes according to your chronotype, you will be sick less often because your immune system will be stronger and better prepared to deal with viruses and bacteria.

In addition, it reduces the risk of several chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, among others, and this makes you live longer and have a better quality of life.

• Produce More… Much More!
When you are more tired than usual (and that is one of the effects of a night with few hours of sleep), you won’t have the necessary capacity to focus on what you are doing, nor have a better memory to do things.

Does lack of sleep make you dumb? Yes, because the reasoning is compromised, which means that you cannot present good solutions to any work problems.

Of course, this is proportional to the hours of rest. If you have the necessary hours of rest, your concentration, memory, and reasoning skills will be much better, and you will have a greater production capacity. This way, you will feel happier and more fulfilled at work, and your boss will take care of that too.

• Build a More Elegant Silhouette

It is no secret that the lack of a good night’s sleep affects mood, weight loss, and even the way you are. People feel that they are not well with themselves (a reflection of a sleepy brain) and end up looking for comfort in food. This is a common mistake that affects your waistline and general well-being.

Can good sleep help you lose weight? When you sleep the recommended number of hours, your brain will be more active, and you will feel more satiated, well-disposed, and more willing to do gymnastics, which ends up contributing to a more beautiful and elegant silhouette.



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