This Is What Happens When You Go To Bed 30 Minutes Later Or Earlier!


Last Updated on June 16, 2020

1. Find Your Chronotype

What is the chronotype after all? And how is that important to the body when going to bed? Starting by answering these questions is the best way for you to understand why going to bed 30 minutes sooner or later can make a difference in your body and, of course, in your brain health.

The chronotype is the natural predisposition that each person has to feel peaks of energy or tiredness at certain times of the day. Some people feel more energetic during the day and tired at night – the early risers, just as there are people who have more energy at night and tired during the day – the night owls.

Hence there are people working at night and others working during the day, and both are energetic and productive in carrying out their duties.

Therefore, you must anticipate or postpone 30 minutes of your bedtime according to your chronotype so that you have a better rest and to take care of your health problems. Besides, it should also be noted that this is the best way for you to feel completely energized and in possession of all your faculties the next day.

Find out next what are the advantages and disadvantages of going to bed 30 minutes sooner or later – but always according to your chronotype.



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