5 Tips To Reduce Your Risk Of Stroke


Last Updated on May 19, 2020

5.Mind Your Weight

Obesity occurs as the result of accumulated body fat, and it’s often associated with all the other stroke risks that we have mentioned before – high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes as well.

If there is more body fat around the abdomen, the risk of suffering a stroke becomes even higher. You can calculate your body mass index (BMI) if you know your height and your weight, and then do a quick google search to see if you fit the “healthy” levels.

Weight loss can be challenging, but it is also pretty rewarding, especially if you are doing it for health reasons. There is no secret formula on how to lose weight, but consistency is the key – design a plan and stick to it.

Eat healthily, keep your body hydrated, avoid stress, and, last but not least, keep your body moving. If you don’t like going to the gym, try running or going on long walks, or choose a sport and gather with your friends for a fun, active time.

How to know the early signs of stroke? Well, a stroke can occur suddenly, but some people suffer from pre-strokes, which has symptoms that are similar to a stroke, but that don’t tend to leave behind any permanent disabilities, as they disappear, on average, in 24 hours.

However, it is vital to recognize any possible stroke symptoms. The latter can range from a sudden feeling of confusion to blurry vision, trouble speaking, weakness of the face and body (focused on one side of the body), lack of balance, and a severe headache with no apparent cause. If you experience any signs of a stroke, contact the emergency services.



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