Top 7 Amazing Activities to Enhance Your Hearing


Last Updated on April 14, 2021

5. Exercise Consistently and Regularly

Human physical and psychological fitness depends to a large extent on physical exercise. So if you want to improve the quality of your hearing, you should know that there are countless exercises you can do. It is advisable to take a good 30-minute daily walk, dedicate yourself to gardening, do maintenance and DIY tasks at home, or even walk your pets. This physical exercise is not too demanding and is enough to make your blood circulation more effective. Be careful not to use earphones with loud music when exercising because this can cause damage to the most sensitive auditory nerves.

4. Follow a Healthy and Balanced Diet

It makes no sense to talk about regular physical exercise in order to improve someone’s physical and psychological fitness without mentioning that it must be accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet. Thus, you must know that there are foods that improve hearing and that you should insert them in your diet. This is the case with oranges and mangoes that contain carotenoids, fish that’s rich in healthy fats and anti-inflammatory properties, oilseeds that carry minerals and strengthen the nervous system and, consequently, your hearing, in addition to other foods that contribute to a varied and healthy diet. If you want to strengthen your diet more to improve your hearing, use vitamins, notably astaxanthin, vitamin A, folate, zinc, and magnesium, which are the most effective.

3. Resist the Need to Turn the Volume Up

If you suffer from hearing loss due to the accumulation of wax, excessive noise, or aging, it is natural that you feel the need to increase the volume of the sounds of things to try to hear them better. So, if you are watching your favorite TV show, try to resist and fight as much as you can to immediately increase the sound of the television to hear what is being said. Most of the time, you just need to focus on what you are doing in order to ignore other hearing loss symptoms. In addition, the fact that you are calmer and more relaxed will lower your heart rate, allowing you to better perceive everything around you. Do not immediately obey the urge to increase the sound whenever you have difficulty hearing because it can cause habituation and irreparable damage to the auditory nerves.


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