How To Keep Yourself Safe During This Health Crisis!


Last Updated on December 18, 2020

7. Don’t Forget To Exercise

During your quarantine, exercising can be a great way to keep your mind sharp and your body in shape. It will help your body release the so-called “feel-good endorphins,” which will lower your stress levels and reduce your anxiety as well. A morning work-out will give you the energy you need to start the day, and it will provide you a good night’s sleep.

8. Keep In Touch With Friends

Humans are social creatures, so it is super important to be in touch with the ones you love the most, even if it’s not physical. Fortunately, nowadays you can “be” with your friends wherever you are thanks to the wonders of the internet. Talk to your friend and family through a video chat – you can even get creative and marathon a tv series together, or share a glass of wine and some good stories while keeping each other company through the screen.

9. Pay Attention To Your Symptoms

Being quarantined means there is a chance you might be sick as well, so it’s important to monitor your symptoms. If you feel like some symptoms are manifesting, call a virtual care team and ask every question you need to ask. If things are really bad and you feel like you need urgent care, call 911.

10. Keep Yourself Busy

It might not seem like it at first, but there are all sorts of fun activities you can do inside your home. Use that time to indulge in some self-care, find new hobbies, play some online games with your friends, start that healthy diet you have been postponing or read that book you bought one year ago and completely forgot on the shelve. Use your imagination and make the most of your time at home. And, of course, do not forget to stay hydrated!


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