10 Things To Throw Away To Live A Better Life


Last Updated on April 12, 2021

7. Old Mascara

Since mascara comes into contact with an area that is very close to your eye, it is very important to make sure that no harmful bacteria make it to that area. Mascara belongs to the category of liquid make up, which is known to harbor all kinds of bacteria. A good rule of thumb would be to replace the mascara tube every three or four months, allowing your eyes to remain safe from any harm. Even the best mascara is liable to germ infections, so be careful!

8. Old Lip Gloss

It seems that makeup-related items have made it twice in our list, but for a good reason. The lip gloss tube that you use to give yourself that awesome look is filled with different kinds of bacteria, which tend to multiply in number when they are left there for a long time. Therefore, make sure that you change the one you use every 6 months after opening it. This applies to every kind of lip gloss there is. Don’t be tempted, therefore, to think that your glassier lip gloss or that clear lip gloss should be excepted from being thrown away after six months of being open—even the best lip gloss has germs!

9. Unclean Contact Lens Case

Contact lenses are very tricky to use and keep clean. If anything goes wrong, contact lens users can suffer serious infections in the eye. Therefore, proper contact lens care necessitates that you keep your contact lenses in a suitable contact lens solution. More important, there is a stress on the use of a good contact lens cleaner as well as a contact lens case. However, it is important never to forget changing this case every three months, at the very least, as they tend to become home for very harmful bacteria. If you douse contact lenses, make sure that you heed our advice.

10. Your Smartphone, Tablet, and Laptop

We are going to finish up this list by urging you to decide on getting, however, briefly, of any smartphone, tablet, or laptop that you have in the house. Research has shown that excessive use of technology is closely linked to feelings of anxiety and depression. Therefore, it would not hurt to give that Samsung smartphone, HP laptop, or Dell laptop a break once in a while. Your mental health will thank you for that, and you will be much better off! This has been a representative list of the things that you need to get rid of inside your house so that you remain healthy at all times. Make sure, therefore, that you tend to your house and see the things that need to be thrown off as soon as possible. Before you go, tell us in the comments below if you’ve ever had any health issues related to one of the items featured in this article.


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