10 Things To Throw Away To Live A Better Life


Last Updated on April 12, 2021

3. Plastic Containers

True, plastic containers, such as plastic food containers, are handy in our day-to-day lives; however, you must change them every once in a while, because the older they get, the more dangerous they become on your health. Old small plastic containers are known to have a compound that is called BPA, which is considered to be very harmful, especially if it makes its way to your food. Therefore, if you have any very old plastic containers with lids that have exceeded their use period, make sure that you throw them away.

4. Air Fresheners

We use all kinds of air fresheners, from bathroom air fresheners to air freshener sticks. However, what most people don’t know is the fact that these air fresheners contain what we call Phthalates, which are considered by specialists to be very harmful to the development of the body and reproduction. Although some companies have vowed to stop using Phthalates, using them is still a trend. Therefore, it would be better to stay away from all commercial air fresheners out there. Your health is better off without!

5. Old Air Filters

Air filters do a fairly good job of gathering dust from the air; however, once they are full, it is very common for them to release some of that dust back into your house. This will happen even if you have the best air filter in the house, such as a carbon air filter. Therefore, think twice about using such a device in your house. The best air filter for your house would be an air purifier, which is a completely different category, one that has better functioning devices.

6. Frayed Toothbrush

A toothbrush should not exceed a certain period of use—never! Moreover, there is no best toothbrush when it comes to this: all of them need to be changed every three months. Otherwise, you run the risk of having your toothbrush gather harmful bacteria, which is counterproductive for the general concept of oral hygiene. The electric toothbrushes also need to be changed every once in a while, so make sure that you do so. The best electric toothbrushes available these days on the market make this very easy!


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