9 Causes Of Smelly Urine And How To Handle Them!


Last Updated on April 19, 2021

It has happened to everyone at least once in their lifetime – you’re sitting down to pee and all of a sudden, we smell an odd odor – but you are at home, so there is no way that it’s just the awful smell left behind on public toilets!

Your own urine is smelling bad and you are not used to it, so it sure can be such an unpleasant surprise. Well, don’t freak out – there are many things that can cause your urine to have a strong odor.

The majority of the reasons that cause your urine to smell odd are harmless, but some are worth a visit to the doctor. Here are the 9 things that can cause that problem, as well as 9 things you can do to get rid of it.

1. Dehydration

Bad pee odor can be a dehydration symptom since urine is nothing but a combination of water and residual waste from our organism. If a person is not drinking enough water, the concentration of waste products will be higher, and the urine will smell bad.

You can verify this hypothesis by checking the color of your pee – if it is yellow or dark orange, drinking water is the solution to your problems. But if it is sort of a transparent yellow or pale straw, this means you are hydrated and that your pee is smelling bad for a different reason.

2. Eating some foods

Asparagus, for example, is famous for causing smelly urine, but there is a chance that this particular veggie doesn’t do that to you, and that is normal as well.

Everyone has a different digestive process, and that is why different foods cause different reactions in everyone.

This is caused by an enzyme that is responsible for breaking down certain foods – in the case of asparagus, if you have that enzyme, your pee won’t smell bad, but if you do have it, your body will produce something called sulfur metabolite when breaking down the asparagus, and this will make your urine smell like ammonia or even sulfur.

Onions, salmon, garlic or brussels sprouts can have the same effect, and if you are trying to figure out how to get rid of urine odor in this particular case, all you need to do is to drink a lot of water when consuming those types of food.

3. Caffeine intake

What causes bad pee odor, you ask? Well, we know this isn’t the answer you want, but it might be the coffee you drink…

The byproducts that are produced after your body breaks down coffee can cause your urine to smell funky. But, like we stated previously, it doesn’t happen to everyone.

Coffee also has a diuretic effect, which means that when you drink it, you tend to pee more often, and your body will end up flushing more fluids and sodium.

Like all diuretics, coffee can cause dehydration, which takes us back to reason number one, and therefore you should, once again, check the color of your urine. Alcohol intake or heavy drinking can also have the same effect on your urine.

4. Urinary tract infection

A bladder infection happens when harmful bacteria access your urinary system through the urethra and later multiply in the bladder.

And the fact that bacteria can make your pee smell bad is nothing new, but UTI signs go beyond smelly pee – it is very likely that you will pee more frequently, or that you will have trouble peeing, and you might feel a burning sensation when you go to the bathroom. Your urine will look cloudy or even bloody.

You can get UTI treatment by going to the doctor who will provide you with the right meds to deal with this situation.

5. Yeast infection

Our body has microorganisms, called yeast, that live in different parts of the body – which includes the vagina.

But if yeast suddenly starts growing and that growth gets out of hand, chances are you are going to develop an infection. This type of infection occurs in the vagina, but since the urethra and the vaginal opening are so close, the urine can pick up the scent of the yeast infection.

There are other symptoms associated with this condition, like redness, itching, swelling of the vagina and vulva, and this is all accompanied by a thick white discharge.

6. Sexually transmitted infection

There are some sexually transmitted infections that might cause inflammation of the urethra, and irritation or inflammation are sexually transmitted infection symptoms that can change the smell of urine.

Urethritis is commonly caused by diseases like chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gonorrhea, and even if that infection doesn’t affect your urine smell, the proximity of the two holes might. If you suspect you might have an STI, check your doctor as soon as possible to receive appropriate treatment.

7. Kidney stones

Kidney stones are a very painful condition that happens when salt and other minerals that can be found in urine stick together and turn into hard stone deposits.

They can vary in size – they can be as small as sand grains, or as large as chunks of gravel, and they can collect bacteria that will later result in infection and bleeding, which might change your urine’s odor.

Back pain, migraine, vomiting and nausea, bloody urine, frequent need to pee, and pain while urinating are other symptoms that are associated with kidney stones, and some people even experience fever.

Kidney stones will usually be eliminated through your urine, but if there is bleeding or if you are in a lot of pain, it is always good to consult your doctor.

8. Diabetes

Diabetic people can’t process sugar the same way that most people can, and therefore they will end up with excess glucose in the blood, and the body will try to get rid of it through urine. Excess sugar in urine will give it a fruity smell which is still unpleasant.

Also, people who suffer from diabetes will also pee more frequently, since, simply put, sugar tends to irritate the bladder. If you suspect you might suffer from diabetes, get tested.

9. Vitamins

Do vitamins cause bad urine odor? Some people have stated that they notice a difference in the smell of their urine after taking vitamins and supplements, as well as certain foods.

But if the reason your pee is smelling different is vitamins, you have nothing to worry about – the weird smell might be a consequence of your body trying to get rid of excessive vitamins it doesn’t really need.



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