Shoulder pain: common causes and treatment


Last Updated on December 8, 2020

3. Disuse syndrome

This is a broad term used to define the type of injuries caused by physical inactivity. As you know, muscles and tendons need to be stimulated so as not to become atrophied. That’s why you do a few physiotherapy sessions when a health problem forces you to stay in bed, recovering for a couple of weeks. Or when the recovery process from an injury presupposes long periods of inactivity in the affected region. Disuse symptoms include muscle stiffness and muscle shrinkage. It is very rare for this type of injury to occur due to a lack of physical exercise. However, regular exercise can prevent many of the injuries on this list (as long as you use the right techniques) through the fortification of muscles and tendons.

4. Bursitis

Bursitis occurs when the bursa gets swollen and inflamed. This is a fluid-filled pouch that provides a cushion between bones and tendons or muscles. When it gets irritated, people feel their shoulder ache every time they move it.

5. Rotator cuff tear

The group of muscles and tendons called “rotator cuff” have two important body functions: they hold your arm in place and allow you to lift it over your head. If you experience pain when lifting objects or at night when you lay down in bed and you hear a crackling sound as you move your arm, this might be the problem you are dealing with.

6. Dislocation and fracture

These are similar types of injury and two of the most common causes of shoulder and arm pain. They often occur when people are practicing a sport that requires a lot of aggressive physical contact or due to accidents. A dislocation of the shoulder happens when this part of the body is pulled or pushed too hard or rotated too far and the upper arm bone disconnects from the socket on your shoulder blade. People need to be very careful because once this injury occurs, it is very likely to happen again. On the other hand, a fracture occurs when the bone breaks or cracks. This is usually a result of a violent accident or fall. It is extremely painful and the recovery process can be quite long.


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