This is why your eyes are red!


Last Updated on November 9, 2020

Everyone has already had red eyes, and probably more than once. It usually happens when the little tiny superficial blood vessels of the conjunctiva (the tissue that covers the white area of your eyes) increase and expand, causing it to turn reddish. More often than not, red eyes are nothing that you should worry too much about, but you need to know how to identify when you’re dealing with a case worthy of medical attention. Although rarer, there are a few serious eye conditions that could manifest through red eyes. Here’s everything you need to know.

1. Common and benign causes

What exactly triggers that physical response? The causes can be many and from different origins. First, we will discuss what the most common and less dangerous causes are, as well as their treatment. Allergies: if besides having red, itchy, and crying eyes, you’re also frequently sneezing and with a stuffy nose, you are probably having an allergic reaction. Many people suffer a lot during springtime, when the levels of pollen released from grass and trees are at their highest, causing severe and really annoying allergies. Pets, dust, smoke, perfume, or mold could cause similar reactions. It’s important you know what you’re allergic to so that you can limit your exposure to allergy triggers (the most efficient form of treatment) or control the symptoms once you have them (antihistamines are commonly used to control pollen allergies). Conjunctivitis: popularly known as “pink eye”, it refers to the inflammation of the interior of the eyelid and the exterior layer of the sclera (also known as the “white part of the eye”). Besides redness, your infected eye will also be itchy, have increased tears and seem to be stuck after waking up from a nap. This is not dangerous at all, and your body usually gets rid of it within 3 days. However, in more complicated cases, there might be needed some antibiotics prescription – so you will need to see a doctor. You can help your body heal faster by using antihistamines or saline solution (in case the conjunctivitis origin is chemical). Prevention is the key, and all you need to do is make sure you wash your hands often and properly, as most cases are caused by bacteria that pass from your hand to your eye.


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