7 Incredible Science-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Water


Last Updated on November 11, 2020

3. Contains Antioxidant Properties

Coconut water fights free radicals in the body due to its natural antioxidant properties. Coconut water neutralizes free radicals so that your body does not enter oxidative stress and does not damage cells or increase the risk of various health problems. Animal studies have shown that coconut water contributes significantly to lowering blood pressure, insulin levels, triglycerides, and even improving liver function. It should also be noted that the antioxidant properties of drinking water contribute to better digestion of food and to increase the body’s metabolism.

4. Helps Control Diabetes

Why should you drink coconut water? Because it has numerous health benefits, such as lowering blood sugar levels and controlling Diabetes. Thus, those who have Diabetes, now have a more effective weapon to control the disease and to neutralize oxidative stress. It is also worth mentioning that it is an excellent source of magnesium, which increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin and helps to lower blood sugar levels, making it perfect for those suffering from pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

5. Kidney Stones? Coconut Water Is an Excellent Ally in Its Prevention!

If you have or are prone to developing kidney stones, then this point is exclusively for you. You know (and better than anyone!) the importance of drinking the required amount of water per day – about 1 to 3 liters. However, possibly what you didn’t know is that coconut water helps you stay hydrated and prevent kidney stones. Coconut water decreases the number of crystals formed in the urine, which means that there is less chance that they will stick to the kidneys or other areas of the urinary tract, considerably reducing the appearance of kidney stones.

6. Helps Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Drinking coconut water is an extremely important support for your heart health, as it helps to substantially reduce the risk of heart disease. Several animal studies have already been carried out that prove that coconut water helps to reduce liver fat, cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and many other coronary problems. It is a natural drink that has practically the same effects as medicines with Stalin, which are the drugs used to lower cholesterol. Therefore, the benefits of coconut in heart health are evidence and hope for those who are constantly looking for new treatments.


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