Top 7 Incredible Things a Beard Can Reveal About Your Health


Last Updated on February 14, 2021

In addition to revealing a strong personality, the beard is one of the most beautiful and striking elements on a man’s face. And that is why there are so many different styles, such as the goatee, the old dutch, the mustache, the ducktail, among other types of beards that combine perfectly with the oval, rectangular, round, or square shape of your face. However, regardless of the style of beard you wear and which expresses your charisma, you should bear in mind that the beard says a lot about your health condition. What your beard can reveal about your health? That’s what we’re going to explain below by letting you know the 7 incredible things a beard can reveal about your health that you probably didn’t know.

7. Small, Round Falls on the Beard – Possible Autoimmune Disease

If you notice that your beard is falling out in small round amounts, it is a sign that you may suffer from a disease called alopecia barbae. It is an autoimmune disease that sees hair follicles as a threat and attacks them (hence the fall) until they stop growing. It is not a dangerous or contagious health problem, but it has no cure and can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin on the face. That way, you should speak quickly to your family doctor, as you can only treat this health problem with the most appropriate medication. However, you should check if this loss of small amounts of beard hair is also accompanied by hair loss and other specific symptoms such as weight loss, lack of sleep, poor mood, among other strange signs. If so, it is likely that you may have a thyroid disorder or suffer from another health problem.

6. Beard Too Thin – Do You Take Care of Your Diet?

There are several causes that explain a thin beard, but the most common is related to your diet, namely the lack of proteins and essential nutrients. If you do not follow a healthy diet, it is natural that the growth of the beard hair is not properly optimized. Thus, it is essential that you add proteins to your diet such as eggs, lean meats (chicken, rabbit, and turkey), fish (salmon, tuna, and cod), cheese, and yogurt. If you don’t, you risk developing protein deficiency, preventing the construction and repair of tissues, and, consequently, shedding hair. You should also include other nutrients from grains, fruits, and vegetables in your diet that are rich in vitamins E and C, minerals such as zinc and biotin, and fats such as fatty acids. All of them are essential for the growth and health of beards and hair. If you suffer from a food allergy or intolerance, you should be even more attentive to the thickness of your beard because they can be the cause of this problem. Talk openly with your family doctor so that you both find the most appropriate healthy food to combat this difficulty.


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