10 Foods That Health Experts Say You Should Never Eat!


Last Updated on November 13, 2020

Everyone knows that food plays a crucial role in our lives: it can be the main responsible for the good mood, as well as it can also be the culprit of numerous digestive, intestinal and neurological diseases, among other health problems. The truth is that the food is not to blame, but you are. Because you are primarily responsible for your food choices, you may be eating foods with chemicals or ingredients that are harmful to your general well-being without realizing the seriousness of the situation. In this sense, we have prepared a list of the 10 foods you should never eat, according to the recommendations of the main health experts.

1. Whole-Wheat Bread – Preventing Digestive and Inflammatory Diseases

Modern foods that have ingredients like grains or wheat flour (foods that contain gluten protein) are totally different from foods with grains or wheat flour that our grandparents ate. Today’s whole wheat bread is very bad for your health and can lead to numerous digestive and inflammatory diseases, such as celiac disease, functional bowel disease (irritable bowel syndrome), acid reflux, obesity, skin disorders, and many other health problems. This is because grains or wheat flour have been subjected to genetic manipulation to increase their production. And, as you should calculate, it is not possible to change the main characteristics of a plant without changing its genetics and the effects it has on the people who consume it. Most people are unaware of this fact and, most of the time, they feel sick in the stomach, intestines, or have skin problems and do not know why. If this has happened to you, choose to eliminate grains or wheat flour from your diet or start using gluten-free products to see if you notice improvements in your general health. Keep in mind that abstinence from grains or wheat flour in the body can cause headaches, muscle fatigue, and even depression. So, be prepared for these side effects.

2. Farmed Salmon – Addition of Chemicals

Salmon is a healthy food that you should include in your diet, especially if you have heart problems. Although this fish has few saturated fats, it has a high omega-3 content, which reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and body inflammation. It is increasingly important that you give up red meat and eat more fish. However, be careful with farmed salmon. This is usually fed with mixtures of other fish and can concentrate on carcinogenic chemicals such as pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and other antibiotics and toxins. Opt for wild salmon instead of farmed salmon.


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