8 Foods That Will Kill Your Migraine!


Last Updated on January 20, 2021

There is an increasing number of people who struggle with migraines daily – these frequent headaches are annoying, hard to stop, and may plague you in the long run. Everyone knows how to treat migraines – there are exercises you can do, and there are migraine remedies. However, both these solutions are only temporary, and your headache will come back eventually. There is another approach you can take – make some changes to your diets. You have some foods that are more prone to trigger migraines, but, on the other hand, you also have a lot of healthy foods that do the exact opposite. We bring you a list of six foods that can help prevent your migraines and build up your defenses to fight these unbearable headaches.

1. Avocado

Avocados are probably the most famous superfood of our time – they are the star of dishes like avocado toast or guacamole. Amongst the many benefits of avocados, there is the one that matters to this list: they can be of great help when fighting migraines. Lutein and zeaxanthin are some of the powerful antioxidants you can find in this wonderful fruit, which means avocados not only have the power to make your headache disappear, but they will also prevent it from coming back so soon.

2. Figs

Figs are some of the million things that contribute to the fact that summer is an amazing season, but besides being delicious, they can help you with your awful migraines. Because they are rich in potassium, one of the benefits of figs is that they help fight inflammation, which will, of course, be a great contribution when it comes to keeping those headaches at bay.

3. Salmon

If you ask any doctor what is the best food to get omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin B2 from, they will all have the same answer – salmon. This tasty fish can be served in a lot of different ways, and its consumption can help prevent the clumping of your platelets, which is a process that can be in the origin of your headaches. Overall, salmon will help you get rid of your migraines while lowering any level of inflammation you might have going on.


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