6 Signs You Have A Very Weak Immune System


Last Updated on September 30, 2020

3. Frequent infections

As we said, the immune system’s main function is to protect the body against pathogens and prevent and fight all types of infections (viral, bacterial, and fungal infections).

So, if you see yourself being affected by the common cold or other types of infections far too often (or if a simple cold gets you so sick that you can’t get out of bed for three or four days), it may be an indicator that your immune system is weakened and can’t do its job properly.

4. Fatigue

The term fatigue is often used in different ways, depending on the context. In the medical field, it is used to describe an overwhelming feeling of lack of energy, motivation, and overall tiredness.

Fatigue is much more serious than just feeling tired or sleepy – people who are dealing with fatigue can’t restore their energy levels with just a good night’s sleep.

When you are sick, you usually have little energy because most of it is redirected to your immune system to help fight the disease.

To make things worse, a weak immune system takes longer to fight off pathogens. In the meantime, your body is trying to keep as much energy as possible – that’s why it can be the root cause of your fatigue.

5. Being overweight

Being overweight is a major risk factor for the development of a wide range of serious diseases. Like heart disease and stroke, for example – two leading causes of death worldwide. It can also put a lot of strain on your immune system and weaken it over time.

You see, as you gain weight, your fat cells release high amounts of pro-inflammatory cytokines. These signaling molecules promote systemic inflammation, which in turn makes your immune system have to work much harder than it is supposed to. This exacerbated stress will eventually weaken it.

It’s time to start your weight loss journey to get back in shape, improve your overall health, and give your immune system a well-deserved rest.



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