How Often To Change Your Bedsheets? Like, Really?

How Often To Change Your Bedsheets

Last Updated on April 3, 2021

Seriously, do you really know how often to change your bedsheets? Some say in a week, others say in 3 weeks. But the right answer (and short one) is: it depends! Remembering to wash bedsheets is not a convenient thing you can do regularly, like laundry. It’s easier to come back home late at night and fall asleep directly without giving those sheets a second thought. It’s normal, life gets in the way, and that’s the last thing you want to worry about. But it turned out that you should really worry… Let’s dive into it more.

1. How often people wash or change bedsheets?

The National Sleep Foundation conducted a poll in 2012 to find that 91% of people change their bedsheets once every other week, which experts don’t agree with, so they recommend weekly washings. Your bedsheets can accumulate many things you can’t see, like dust mites, dead skin cells, and even fecal matter in case you prefer to sleep naked.

2. Reasons to change bedsheets often

Many reasons play a role in how often to change your bedsheets, so if you relate to any of the following things, try to change them more often: You have asthma. You sweat excessively. You have an infection or a wound that comes in contact with the bedsheets. You eat in bed. You have allergies, and you are sensitive to dust. You sleep naked. You don’t take showers every night. You have pets that sleep with you.

3. What if you don’t change your bedsheets often?

When you don’t change your sheets regularly, you will be exposed to bacteria, fungi, pollen, and animal dander. Other things that can also be found on sheets are skin cells, bodily secretions, and sweat. You won’t necessarily be sick due to these things, but in theory, they can! However, people with eczema should be more aware of this issue because it’s one of the most severe triggers. Furthermore, people with allergies and asthma may end up triggering or worsening symptoms when sleeping on the same bedsheets every night. If you are someone who doesn’t deal with these issues, there is a possibility you will experience sneezing and a stuffy nose after spending a night on unclean sheets.


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