5 Terrible Shower Habits You Should Stop ASAP


Last Updated on April 15, 2021

4. You don’t care about the drying process

As we have mentioned before, whenever you shower, you wash away your skin’s natural oily barrier. So, after getting out of the shower, you should do your best to keep your skin healthy. Dry your body with a towel but leave it a little bit damp. Then apply an appropriate cream to make sure that skin is healthy, smooth, and protected.

5. You shower with extremely hot water

Most women have the habit of showering with extremely hot water. But while this can be quite comforting, either for period cramps or back pain, it can do quite some damage to your skin. Boiling water will wash away your skin fat, thus taking down your skin defense. As a result, your skin will become flaky and dry. Plus, hot water can increase blood flow, leading to inflammation, rashes and even erythema. The perfect temperature would be between 35-40°C. Do you engage in any of the aforementioned unhealthy shower habits? And now that you know how harmful they can be to your skin, do you intend to change your ways?


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