5 Things Your Toilet Problems Reveal About You

toilet problems

Last Updated on April 9, 2021

Did you know that your toilet problems can say so much about you? By toilet problems, I mean anything from how often you visit the bathroom to how many times you experience constipation or diarrhea. While not everyone is the same when it comes to toilet routines and there is no rule as to how many times you “should” use the bathroom (which depends on how much you drink water per day, etc), there are still some instances like irregular bowel movements that you should never overlook, so it’s best to consult your doctor. To keep track of what is happening in your digestive system, read this list of things your toilet problems say about your health!

1. Changes in urine color

The color of your urine can reveal so much about your health. If it’s concentrated in the morning, it’s quite normal as it is a sign of dehydration in your sleep throughout the night. If urine color is pale yellow, it means that you’re more hydrated, which is healthy. Meanwhile, darker urine, such as dark brown urine, may indicate that you might have a serious problem that needs medical attention. These health problems may include liver disease from bile in the urine, kidney stones, or urinary tract infection (UTI). Before flushing the toilet, make sure to take a peek and see if there is anything out of the ordinary.

2. Greasy or pebbly stool

If your poop appears greasy or oily, it could be a sign that your body is not digesting fat properly. It could also signal an infection, celiac disease, or pancreatitis if the stool is both oily and hard to flush down the toilet.  Meanwhile, if the stool resembles rocks or pebbles, it could signal that the muscle contractions in the large intestine, which helps concentrate waste, are not functioning properly.  So, if you notice anything weird going on with your stool, make sure to call your doctor.

3. It burns when you pee

If urinating is getting painful or your experience a “burning” sensation, it’s probably because of a bladder infection or a more serious issue like a kidney infection, so always make sure to go for a checkup. 


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