7 Natural Ways To Improve Sleep Quality


Last Updated on November 1, 2020

Many people sleep way less than they should. Some by choice, others because they are dealing with sleep problems or other conditions that affect sleep quality. Whatever the case might be, it is necessary to take action to sleep better at night and for the recommended amount of time. Keep in mind that adults should sleep between 7 to 9 hours per night. Sleeping too much or too little can have a drastic impact on both your physical and mental health, so don’t think you can get away with sleeping 5 hours a night. In the long-term, you will certainly have to deal with the consequences. If you’re dealing with insomnia or other frustrating problems that disrupt your sleep quality, this list will help you. After all, there’s nothing better than a good night’s sleep. Here’s how to sleep better at night naturally!

1. Improve your bedtime routine

Having a nice, peaceful, and consistent bedtime routine can relax both your body and mind and prepare them to fall asleep. The human brain needs to realize when bedtime is approaching, so it is fundamental to keep a well-defined routine that sends a signal to the brain to prepare the whole body for a good night’s sleep without any complications whatsoever. What does a proper bedtime routine look like, you ask? It’s simple. It includes having a comfortable sleep environment, avoiding certain tasks, and doing some others. Dark, cool, silent room: these are the three most important characteristics your room should have at night. If you live in a big city and you just can’t escape traffic noises, loud passers-by, or even housemates, you can try to mask those sounds with calming sleep music. Comfortable bed: besides a high-quality mattress, you also need a nice pillow that suits your favorite sleeping position. These are two crucial elements, so spare no expenses! Bed comforters and sheets that can keep your body cozy and at a comfortable temperature are also very important. What to do and what to avoid: your bed should be used exclusively for sleeping (or to have sex, sure). In this way, the brain ends up associating this place only with this activity – eating, watching TV, and working in bed is a big no-no. You also shouldn’t use any electronic devices (smartphone and laptop) in bed immediately before going to sleep since the blue light emitted by the screens can interfere with your sleep, and the content you’re watching can keep you alert longer than desired.


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