7 Natural Ways To Improve Sleep Quality


Last Updated on November 1, 2020

6. Take a shower

According to a systematic review study published in the Sleep Medicine Reviews back in 2019, taking a warm shower or bath one to two hours before bedtime can induce the feeling of sleepiness. This means that you will fall asleep faster and experience a significant improvement in sleep quality. This is a very simple thing you can do to sleep better at night. Give it a try, even if you’re one of those people who like to shower first thing in the morning to start the day fresh.

7. Don’t drink anything before bed

You might think that sipping on a calming tea while reading a book in bed before going to sleep is the perfect combination for a good night’s sleep. Well, you might be wrong. Drinking large amounts of liquids late at night drastically increases the chances of waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Empty your bladder before going to bed, and don’t drink anything else!


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