What Happens To Your Body When You Swim Regularly?


Last Updated on December 23, 2020

© Kaenz

Everyone is well aware of the impact of regular exercise and overall physical activity on our health. However, regular exercise is not for everyone. Some people are lazy, others are too old for some types of training and let’s not forget about people who enjoy being active, but despise workout routines.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution that tackles all of these issues, a type of exercise that is suitable for all ages, and that can be fun and entertaining – swimming.

And perhaps you are not aware of the benefits of swimming, but besides working all the muscles in your body, and being a great way to provide relief for some mental health issues, like depression, swimming brings many different benefits to your health.

Keep reading to find out what happens when you swim three times a week – it can be the best way to achieve a healthy body and a healthy mind, all at once!

1. It Will Improve Your Lungs Health

There are many activities that are famous for improving lung function, and the most famous one is probably yoga. But you will be surprised to find out that swimming can bring even more benefits to your respiratory health than yoga. Why?

Because as you swim, you increase the elasticity of your lungs and chest, strengthening your lungs and, over time, improving lung function.

2. It Will Allow You To Tackle Joint Problems

If you have arthritis, it’s only normal that you will experience a lot of joint pain. Swimming is the perfect physical activity to take the pain away since it won’t put any strain on your joints, as it supports almost 90% of your full weight.

And since swimming provides you a full-body workout, it will strengthen the muscles that surround your joints, keeping this condition from getting worst and paving the way for healthy joints all together.

3. It Will Improve Your Back Problems

People who suffer from back pain can find great relief in activities like swimming. The water will take the weight out of your body, which will make it easier for you to keep exercising, while other exercises can be demanding on your back.

Plus, the arm movements will make your back muscles feel stronger, which will also contribute to the relief of back pain.

4. It Will Help Burn Calories

We have come to the conclusion that swimming is a great way to build muscle, but what about weight loss?

Swimming can be a great way to lose weight 30 minutes of swimming can burn off as much as 500 calories, which is twice as much as you would be able to burn by walking. It’s a low impact exercise that allows you to achieve great results.

5. It Will Help You To Age Slower

There is no magic trick on how to slow down your body’s aging process, but there are some steps you can take that are more effective than others, and a study has shown that swimming 3 to 5 times a week can be one of those steps.

Swimming between 3,500 to 5,000 yards, 3 to 5 times every week, can help slow down the aging process by decades – and yes, you read it well, we said decades! By strengthening all the muscles in the human body, this simple exercise will prevent physical health decline, slowing down a big part of the aging process.

6. It Will Improve Your Sleep

Investigators have taken a hard look at the key exercises that help treat insomnia, and they have figured out that swimming is one of the best activities for people who have trouble sleeping.

Because it helps release the so-called “feel-good endorphins,” people who swim regularly will feel more at ease at the end of the day, thus enjoy a good night’s sleep.



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