This Is Everything You Need To Know About Type 2 Diabetes!


Last Updated on October 22, 2020

• Age: people over the age of 45 are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Health experts think that this is because older people exercise less and progressively gain weight. • Race: given the statistics of diabetes cases, it can be ascertained that whites are less likely to suffer from this disease than other races. However, there is still no scientific explanation for this observable fact. • Prediabetes: this term is used to describe a medical condition in which people have a higher blood sugar level than normal. If proper care is not taken, it can easily progress to type 2 diabetes. After reading about these risk factors, it is easy to figure out how to prevent type 2 diabetes. It all comes down to living a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet, regular physical exercise, and tobacco-free. This is the best way to prevent most diseases. So, what are you waiting for?

3. Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

There’s no treatment for type 2 diabetes per se. It’s all about managing the condition and keeping blood sugar level under control. This can be achieved with lifestyle changes and diabetes medications. The first concern will be to lower the patient’s weight. Losing just 5 to 10 percent of the body weight can make a huge difference. If lifestyle changes are insufficient, or if the disease is detected already in an advanced stage, then the doctor will most likely prescribe medication. Metformin is typically the first medication used for type 2 diabetes since it lowers glucose production in the liver and makes your organism more sensitive to the insulin hormone. Other drugs that are used to control blood sugar include DPP-4 and SGLT2 inhibitors, thiazolidinediones, and sulfonylureas. Some patients need to recur to insulin therapy, which consists of injecting this hormone directly into the bloodstream.


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