Surprising Reasons You Should Stop Using Cotton Swab


Last Updated on January 19, 2021

8. Safe tip: Do not try the ear candling hack

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have probably noticed some videos surfacing around the internet of people removing ear wax with candles. Know that this process is extremely dangerous since it can cause severe damage to the ear canal and other ear problems. It’s also not proven to be effective or as effective as other options on this list. So if you care about your health, do not try this method! To prevent ear infection and other severe problems, don’t ever stick anything into your ear; a finger, cotton swab, or even paper are hazardous items. Instead, rely on eardrops or shower daily. For those who can’t live without cotton buds, know that there’s a replacement. For the price of 45 dollars, you can purchase the Clear Ear Oto-Tip. Also known as the q-tip of the future, the BioDesign program of Stanford University developed this specific item. Instead of pushing the wax inside your ear, this q-tip rotates inside your ear. So instead of pushing wax, it releases it. Besides this, it also comes with a safety cap to prevent eardrum ruptures.


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