How To Prevent Dementia & Stay Healthy


Last Updated on April 15, 2021

4. Being social

Humans are simply social creatures, so they usually don’t do well in isolation. Loneliness and alienation can drive people to become depressed and develop mental health problems and even memory problems. Studies show that social contact, especially for people aged 60, can significantly lower the risk of dementia. People who socialize and maintain friends throughout their lives are 12% less likely to end up with Alzheimer’s later in life than people who tend to isolate themselves. Make sure to stay social and share a laugh with your loved ones to prevent dementia.

5. Learn new skills

Exercise, social activities, and a healthy diet are not the only things that can stimulate your brain or keep your mind and body healthy and prevent dementia. Constantly learning a new skill is also one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp and keep dementia at bay. The best ways to boost your brain power can go from solving Jigsaw puzzles to learning a dance, to writing or journaling. All in all, if you want to prevent dementia, eat healthy, exercise regularly, learn new skills, and engage in social activities.


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