8 Natural, Effective Ways To Treat A Dry Mouth!


Last Updated on January 21, 2021

4. Use An Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

Another way on how to get rid of breath odor and also improve your dental health and mouth dryness is by using mouthwash in your dental care routine. However, pay attention to the mouthwash ingredients. You should avoid alcohol-based mouthwashes since they dry the mouth. A good substitute for alcohol is some ingredients like betaine and xylitol, which are also effective in killing bacteria, but they don’t dry your mouth out. So if you find a mouthwash containing one of these ingredients except alcohol, it’s definitely a safe mouthwash to buy.

5. Chewing Gum

Even though it’s not very helpful in the long run, chewing gum can provide quick relief, and it’s not that hard understanding why. When you chew gum, you’re stimulating your mouth to produce saliva, making your mouth more hydrated. However, you shouldn’t opt for any gum! If you’re serious about dental care and maintaining a healthy body, we suggest you only buy sugarless gum. Nowadays, most gums are sugarless, and there are many flavors to pick from, so no excuse there.

6. Use An Air Humidifier

Whether you spend a lot of time at home with little air circulation or if you live in a very dry country, having an air humidifier at home is a must. These items are not expensive at all, and they’re only needed in areas you spend more time in, like your bedroom or kitchen, for example. You’ll be transforming all the dry air into moist air in seconds at the cost of almost nothing.

7. Make Sure You’re Breathing Properly

The way you breathe can affect how dry your mouth is. Think about it, if you breathe with an open mouth, you’re letting dry air inside it, which will make your mouth drier in a matter of seconds. Of course, you don’t have any other option if you suffer from allergies or are going through a cold, but sometimes we breathe through our mouths when we don’t have to. Take exercise as an example. When you go for a run, it’s normal that you end up breathing from your mouth because you might feel it’s easier that way. When in reality, it’s not. You’ll find exercising way easier if you maintain your breathing under control, inhaling from the nose, and exhaling through the mouth. Try to do it and notice how easier it gets!


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