7 Surprising Benefits Of Kissing Someone


Last Updated on February 17, 2021

Still, you didn’t get it? Fine, I’ll explain. When you kiss, a lot of facial muscles are involved. So kissing can actually tone your face muscles like a real workout. And that’s not all! Other benefits of kissing are increasing the blood flow to your face and stimulating collagen and elastin production. Thus, slowing down the aging process and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

4. Kissing Can Make Your Headaches Or Cramps Get Milder

You can say bye-bye to pain killers and opt for this natural and safe way to ease pain (kidding!) But really, kissing your loved one is found to relieve pain and make it less sharp by lowering your blood pressure and dilating your blood vessels. So next time you have constant headaches that won’t go away, it might be a good idea to soothe pain and improve your day 😉

5. Kissing Will Prevent Cavities

This is one of the most surprising benefits of kissing, but yeah, guess what? It’s true! Experts say that kissing increases saliva production, which can help prevent tooth decay and protect your teeth from harmful bacteria. And that’s not everything! Experts also say that the mineral ions existing in the saliva can work on repairing small lesions in tooth enamel. However, keep in mind that your oral hygiene and that of your partner should never be neglected or taken for granted. Poor hygiene can be the reason for transferring cavity-causing bacteria while kissing.

6. Kissing Can Help You Lose Weight

Wanna lose weight? Try kissing. Yes, as simple as this! Kissing can increase dopamine levels in your body. Why dopamine? Low dopamine levels can increase your cravings for unhealthy food high in calories. However, increased dopamine levels can control your appetite and thus help you maintain a healthy weight. Need more benefits of kissing? Here is the last one!

7. Kissing Will Help You Stay Energized & Make You Feel Less Sleepy

Low energy? Or constantly feeling tired, exhausted, and in need of a quick nap? If your answer is yes, then your low dopamine levels are to be blamed! Still no worries, kissing can help you solve the problem and increase your body’s wakefulness.


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