7 Foods You Need to Stop Reheating in the Microwave


Last Updated on April 3, 2021

2. Chicken – Salmonella Contamination

Microwaves heat from the inside out and cannot always kill all the bacteria found in food. This often happens with undercooked chicken, where the salmonella bacteria eventually manage to survive. Although chicken is an indispensable fresh food for a healthy and balanced diet, it is a very dangerous food to be cooked in the microwave. Whenever chicken is part of your menu, keep in mind that it must be properly cooked (neither raw nor overcooked) so that all bacteria, namely salmonella, are eliminated to avoid ending up in the ER.

1. Potatoes – One of the Main Causes of Bolutism

First of all, Bolutism is a rare and potentially deadly disease that is caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This, in turn, produces spores that release toxic substances to our nervous system, causing weakness, muscle paralysis, respiratory failure, and, in some cases, death. One of the most well-known types of Bolutism is related to food obtained from contaminated soil, such as potatoes. This means poorly cooked french fries can be your biggest enemy if you are not aware of this situation. And the microwave may simply not be able to kill this type of bacteria. So it is always better to play it safe and make baked or boiled potatoes and reuse the leftover potatoes to make delicious mashed potatoes. In addition to the materials that you should not put inside the microwave (aluminum foils, metals, and some plastics) because they can cause a fire, you have now learned which foods should never be reheated in the microwave. Thus, you will be able to eat on time and without compromising your time and professional activities. And don’t worry about eating reheated food because that’s not what will affect your diet’s balance and richness.


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