6 Common Hydration Mistakes


Last Updated on January 17, 2021

5. Drinking water until your urine is crystal clear

As you know, the color of a person’s urine is usually a good indicator of their state of hydration. However, having the goal of crystal clear urine, it’s a big mistake. That specific color indicates that your body is overhydrated and trying to get rid of as much water as possible to keep the electrolyte levels balanced. Your urine should be light-yellow!

6. Forgetting to drink water when you go on a night out

If you are going out for the night with your friends to have a few drinks, don’t forget to drink a glass of water now and then. Because alcohol is a diuretic – which means it forces the organism to remove fluids from your body at a much higher rate when compared to other liquids –, alcoholic beverages can dehydrate your body rather quickly. Those hangover headaches that everybody hates are actually caused by alcohol-induced dehydration. So, by drinking enough water between alcoholic beverages, you’ll be saving your future self from a terrible hangover that has the potential to completely ruin your entire day. Drink smart! _ One last tip: don’t drink water only when you feel thirsty since it is a clear indication that your body is already somewhat dehydrated. Always keep a reusable water bottle near you and take a few sips throughout the day. This is a great trick to help you maintain your body properly hydrated!


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