13 Surprising Things That May Affect Your Immune System


Last Updated on November 22, 2020

10. Smoking habits

It is common knowledge that smokers will have a weakened respiratory system. Still, a research study by Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, conducted that smoking poses an inherent threat to the immune system. Smoking will alter the immune response through a decrease in T cell receptors, the ones that communicate the disease to the body, making it harder for the immune system to do its job, so maybe it’s time to stop smoking.

11. Aging

As our body grows old, it gets weaker. You must know how to boost your immune system throughout your life, to delay this unavoidable process. Eat well, practice regular exercise, pay visits to your doctor, stay hydrated, and drop bad habits – old age will impact your immune system, but if you live a healthy life, the impact will be smaller.

12. Some medications

It is a weird combination, seeing as the purpose of taking medication is the same as having a strong immune system – to fight disease. However, some medications can affect your immune system, like Prilosec, for example. This medication is used as heartburn medication, but it seems to lower the levels of stomach acid, resulting in an overgrowth of bacteria and yeast, reducing immunity.

13. Dental hygiene

Everyone knows that personal hygiene is a key factor when it comes to general health, and this extends to oral hygiene as well. Oral health issues have been linked to a weaker immune system – tooth decay, oral infections, and even periodontal disease pose as risk factors that will increase your body’s production of white blood cells. If those cells are activated to fight those minor oral diseases, and you don’t take any action towards treating the infection, this might compromise your immune response in the future.


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