6 Unexpected Effects Of Energy Drinks On Your Body!


Last Updated on January 30, 2021

© The Healthy

Energy drinks promise to boost your mental and physical performance – and they deliver. This is because they contain high amounts of caffeine, one of the most powerful stimulant compounds.

In the last decade, energy drink brands such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar have been expanding their presence in the social space through marketing efforts and diversification.

In 2014, after a high increase in the consumption of energy drinks by teenagers and young adults around the world, the World Health Organization decided to step in and declare this type of product a danger to public health.

But what are the immediate impacts on your body and the side effects of energy drinks? Are they bad for you? Or are they safe? That’s what we are about to find out. But before that, let’s see what’s usually inside a can of energy drinks.

Energy drink ingredients:

Let’s use a can of Red Bull Original, the best selling energy drink, as an example:

80 mg of caffeine: about the same as a cup of coffee. However, it is worth mentioning that the amount of caffeine in Red Bull’s energy drinks is much lower than that of its competitors – in part due to its 250 ml can size. A full can of Rockstar contains 160 mg of caffeine and a can of Bang Energy Drink contains 300 mg of caffeine!

1000 mg of taurine: this is an amino acid found in the lower intestine that functions as an antioxidant. It is essential for normal skeletal muscle functioning, cardiovascular function, and the central nervous system.

27 g of sugar: it doesn’t have as much sugar as other refrigerants, but it is still a considerable amount. Sugar-free energy drinks usually contain artificial sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose, and aspartame, for example), which are also not great for your health.

Vitamin B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, and B-12: these vitamins improve mood, boost metabolism, increase energy, and help red blood cell oxygenation.

Inositol: a chemical compound that stimulates the brain’s use of serotonin, thus acting as a mood-booster.
Glucuronolactone: a natural chemical that improves concentration and memory.

The effects of energy drinks:

1. Dehydration

Nobody’s going to get dehydrated from simply drinking a can of Monster. That’s for sure. However, if you rely on an energy drink to rehydrate your body during a situation of extreme stress such as a very intensive workout or prolonged exposure to high temperatures, it can definitely lead to dehydration.

Due to the presence of caffeine and its diuretic effect, energy drinks can cause the body to lose water – they are not sports drinks such as Powerade or Gatorade, designed to hydrate the body and restore the levels of electrolytes in the system. That’s why you should avoid them under those circumstances.

Signs of dehydration include dry mouth, extreme thirst, less frequent urination (and dark-colored urine), fatigue, dizziness, and confusion.

2. Increased heart rate

The effects of energy drinks and their regular consumption on heart health have been widely studied and the results are quite enlightening: drinking a large number of energy beverages increases the risk of cardiac events, especially in those with underlying heart conditions.

Even among teens and young adults – the main consumers of these products.

Tachycardia, tremor, agitation, high blood pressure, and chest pain are some of the signs that you may have consumed too much caffeine.

3. Headaches

The stimulant compounds present in energy drinks may cause headaches, mood swings, insomnia, and nervousness.

These effects can either occur due to an adverse reaction of your organism when you drink large amounts of an energy drink, or due to what is called “caffeine withdrawal.

” If you get used to a high daily amount of caffeine intake and you suddenly start avoiding caffeinated beverages, your organism won’t like it. Headaches, irritability, insomnia, and migraines are some of the most common caffeine withdrawal symptoms – which may appear 12-24 hours after consumption.

4. Gastrointestinal problems

Some people develop gastritis as a result of drinking energy drinks. Again, this is another side effect caused by the high levels of caffeine – which some people’s bodies simply can’t tolerate.

It increases the production of acid in the stomach that results in heartburn and irritation of the lining of the stomach. Symptoms include inflammation, pain, ulcerations, and bleeding.

5. Damaged teeth

Besides the high amount of sugar, energy drinks also contain citric acid – the quantity of which is often not referenced on the label because companies aren’t required to specify. This combination is very dangerous to oral health.

Those substances can wear out the outer surface of your teeth – the tooth enamel. In the long term, this can lead to tooth decay.

6. Consuming energy drinks with alcohol

Mixing energy drinks with spirit drinks such as gin, vodka, or whiskey has become a common thing for millions of young people around the world. But according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, that is a potentially dangerous combination.

Alcohol affects the central nervous system by slowing down the brain and motor activity, while caffeine does the exact opposite. This will trick people into thinking they are not as drunk as they actually are.

This will increase the risk of alcohol poisoning, overdose, or participation in risky behaviors – people who mix these two types of drinks tend to have more unprotected sex and drink-driving.

On a quick note, it is also worth mentioning that one of the long term side effects of energy drinks is type 2 diabetes. Lastly, let’s take a look at healthy and organic energy drinks.

Recently, as a result of growing concern about the health effects of daily consumption of energy drinks, several companies introduced into the market what they call “healthy alternatives” – the aforementioned healthy and organic energy drinks.

Although they have lower amounts of sugar and caffeine, these alternatives are still far from being healthy. Just drink water.



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