5 Things That Happen When You’re On A No Carb Diet

no carb diet

Last Updated on March 2, 2021

Are you on a no carb diet right now? Curbing your carbs intake can help you with many health problems — the obvious ones include weight loss, lower blood pressure and blood sugar, and higher levels of ‘Good’ HDL Cholesterol. But, there is a dark side to it.  Carbs are degraded into sugar, a primary energy source that the brain, muscles, and other parts of the body need to function properly. When you don’t eat enough carbs, your blood sugar drops to below normal levels, a condition known as hypoglycemia. Don’t let the common carbohydrates myths fool you; there are simple and complex carbs that you should differentiate. Complex carbs found in fruits like apples, berries, and oranges or vegetables like sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and green pea are extremely healthy. Meanwhile, simple, unhealthy carbs include pasta, pastries, breakfast cereals, white rice, pizza, etc. So eat your fill of those and reduce your simple carbs intake safely and not completely! Anyway, read on to find out what will happens to your body when you don’t eat simple carbs. 1. You may experience fatigue  In the early weeks of a no carb diet, you might experience fatigue, starvation, and even irritation or anger as blood glucose drop too low when you don’t eat carbs. When anger and hunger are in the mix due, they are known as “Hanger! Note that a carb-free diet can sometimes lead to very serious health issues as studies show that lack of carbs in the body is linked to coronary heart disease and deaths from it. That is why you should not opt for a completely carb-free diet. 2. Reducing inflammation  When you cut down on simple carbs, you reduce chances of inflammation in the face and body simply because carbohydrates-rich foods like corn oil, soybean, or industrial seeds oil contain high levels of added sugars and lead to high levels of inflammation in the body. Try to avoid processed foods as much as possible if you want to prevent inflammation and other serious ilnesses or issues like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.


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